Supervisor Essentials – August AM Cohort

Thursday, August 24, 2023 9:00-11:00AM

Supervisor Essentials – August AM Cohort

Register for Supervisor Essentials

Supervisor Essentials

Have you recently been promoted to a supervisory or managerial role and feel overwhelmed with the responsibilities that come with it? Or perhaps you have been leading a team for a while but feel like you could benefit from additional skills and knowledge? Our comprehensive program is designed to equip supervisors and managers with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in today’s workplace. With topics ranging from employment laws and communication skills to unconscious bias and emotional intelligence, our 15-class course covers everything you need to know to lead your team effectively.

All classes are held virtually on Thursday mornings from 9am- 11am ET over 15 weeks and you’ll have the opportunity to interact with your peers. Plus, our content is newly updated to reflect current best practices and legal requirements, so you can be sure that you’re learning the most up-to-date information. Invest in your career and sign up for the Supervisor’s Essential Training today.

Who Should Attend?

  • New supervisors or group-leaders looking to expand their skill set beyond technical
  • Team members in a leadership pipeline on a succession path
  • Experienced supervisors seeking a refresher of current practices and tools
Register for Supervisor Essentials
Classes & Dates

Supervisor Essentials

This course is on Thursday mornings from 9am- 11am ET over 15 weeks.

Thu, Aug 24

I’m a New Supervisor, Now What?

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Whether you’ve been a supervisor for 1 day or 1 year, it is highly unlikely that you’ve been trained to do the job! This session provides a baseline in understanding what your new role is all about; the multitude of expectations that come at you from every direction and how to establish yourself as the ‘boss’ while maintaining positive relationships. You’ll also be introduced to how Individual Development Planning can help you continue to grow beyond the classroom.

  • Identify how your role as a supervisor differs from your previous job
  • Analyze the impact of the expectations your organization, your supervisor, your employees and your internal customers have of you
  • Define your role as a representative of the organization’s culture to your direct reports
  • Convert your heightened understanding of the supervisor’s role into the start of your own Individual Development Plan
Thu, Aug 31

An Introduction to Federal Employment Laws

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

This session is designed to help participants understand how federal employment laws work in the real world – and how they apply very directly to the day-to-day duties, decisions, and interactions of managers and supervisors. Virtually all risk related to employment law violation lies with uneducated or undereducated management. A primary focus is to enlighten participants on how employment laws are inadvertently broken every day – by leaders who think they’re making sound business decisions and who would never intentionally discriminate.

  • Review the basics of primary federal employment laws
  • Explore the impact of federal case law and company practices
  • Recognize situations that pose a legal risk to the organization
  • Learn to minimize risk by responding promptly and appropriately to workplace incidents
Thu, Sep 7

State Labor Laws: Massachusetts Edition

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

This session is designed to help participants understand how state employment laws work in the real world – and how they apply very directly to the day-to-day duties, decisions, and interactions of managers and supervisors. Virtually all risk related to employment law violation lies with uneducated or undereducated management. A primary focus is to enlighten participants on how employment laws are inadvertently broken every day – by leaders who think they’re making sound business decisions and who would never intentionally discriminate.

  • Review the basics of primary state employment laws
  • Explore the impact of state case law and company practices
  • Recognize situations that pose a legal risk to the organization
  • Learn leadership’s legal responsibility in Massachusetts for responding promptly and appropriately to workplace discrimination and harassment issues
Thu, Sep 14

An Introduction to Communication

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

This session explores the complexity of communication and focuses on verbal communication, listening skills, and the all-important impact of non-verbal communication. Participants will learn how to lead by utilizing proactive communication skills and how leaders communicate to influence others effectively.

  • Discover the complexities of communication by exploring the impact of culture, bias, beliefs, values, experience, and social standing on our messages
  • Interpret common body language and facial expressions and identify the underlying, unspoken message
  • Rephrase common complaints into proactive communications and enhance their standing as problem solver
  • Discover how the use of practical influencing skills can contribute to the organization’s tactical and strategic initiatives
Thu, Sep 21

Communication in the Digital Age

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

We’ve come a long way from a society that worshipped the long form of cursive letter writing and the flowery language of refined society. Along the way, the rules governing emails, texting, and social media, as well as what passes as acceptable language, have been haphazardly and ineffectively applied. This session looks at the effectiveness, overuse, and liabilities of digital-age communication. You’ll leave this session understanding not only what OMG means, but what is NSFW.

  • Identify the Five C’s of communication and apply them to all forms of digital communication
  • Evaluate examples of digital miscommunication and rephrase them effectively
  • Describe Ten Email Best Practices and plan how to integrate them into your digital communications
  • Recognize the difference between work and social digital communications and understand the potential consequences of mixing the two
Thu, Sep 28

An Introduction to Unconscious Bias

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

This engaging and insightful self-awareness session respectfully explores sensitive, useful, and important information on unconscious bias for any company with employees from different cultural or generational backgrounds. It goes beyond understanding differences and offers practical tips for respectfully and effectively leveraging uniqueness and commonalities among employees to boost morale, engagement, and your bottom line.

  • Introduce Unconscious Bias and its impact on behavior
  • Increase knowledge and awareness about our uniqueness and positive impact on behavior
  • Discuss the impact of respectful behavior and our responsibility in the workplace
Thu, Oct 5

Learn the Skills of Effective Coaching and Mentoring

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

The role of any supervisor includes helping their team grow as competent individuals in their current jobs. The organization has provided you with a resource (your people) and expects you to maximize that resource. This includes how we direct, coach, support, delegate, provide feedback and constructively criticize. This session focuses on providing these skills and applying them based on the employee and the situation. We’ll also introduce the concept of being a mentor, including identifying a protégé.

  • Explain the difference between coaching and mentoring
  • Explore the best practices for the 3 most common types of coaching
  • Identify what it takes to be a mentor plus the process for identifying potential proteges
  • Test your constructive criticism skills in role-plays representing real-world situations
Thu, Oct 12

An Introduction to Team Leadership

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Getting work done in any organization requires leaders to be capable of leading productive, effective teams. In high-performance teams, members’ experience, skills, and talents are combined to solve complex organizational problems, execute more efficiently, make better decisions, enhance creativity, and produce consistently superior results. To lead effectively, you need to solve problems quickly, take the initiative, and create value for your organization and customers. You can build the next generation of leaders and individual contributors through this engaging and relevant training.

  • Explore the value of teams and the critical role they play for an organization
  • Identify the characteristics of effective teams and methods for guiding your team to high performance
  • Examine a process to redirect team conflict towards constructive rather than destructive results
  • Describe the traits and qualities of being a great team leader
Thu, Oct 19

An Introduction to Emotional Intelligence

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

“Emotional Intelligence emerges as a much stronger predictor of who will be most successful because it is how we handle ourselves in our relationships that determines how well we do once we are in a given job.”, says Daniel Goleman, the pioneer of Emotional Intelligence. This foundation session sets the stage for our four-part skill-building sessions on self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. This introductory session will benefit influential leaders, managers, supervisors, and employees. You’ll leverage group discussions, reflective exercises, and more to build a strong foundation for success.

  • Explore the concept of emotional intelligence and the four core EQ skills
  • Describe the physical source of emotional intelligence
  • Assess and reflect upon your emotional intelligence
  • Examine the characteristics and qualities of emotionally intelligent people at work
Thu, Oct 26

Managing Workplace Conflict

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Have you ever thought, “My life would be so much easier if I didn’t have to deal with people!” That’s the way it feels some days, or maybe every day. This session looks at conflicts and problems in the workplace. There are differences between a conflict and a problem, and they require different approaches. We all have our go-to reaction to conflict that doesn’t always serve us well. This session focuses on expanding our reactions to conflict, developing strategies to deal with the issues that take us out of our comfort zone, and increasing our managerial versatility. We’ll also look at formal problem-solving strategies and how to apply them.

  • Differentiate between conflict and problems
  • Identify your own go-to strategy for dealing with conflict and recognize the alternative methods available to you
  • Explore formal problem-solving strategies and experience the practical application of one of them to a workplace problem
  • Experience, through practical exercises, the effective application of alternative conflict resolution strategies
Thu, Nov 2

Recognizing Risks: Corrective Action and Documentation

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Documenting employee issues is key to avoiding company risk or liability. Properly documented workplace incidents and investigations will help support a company with consistency, legal complaints, unemployment claims, etc. A primary focus will be to Identify strategies to document performance issues as they occur and to help protect the company from legal risks.

  • Review how to identify issues that may require further investigation or corrective actions
  • Acquire the skills needed to plan, conduct, and conclude investigations and review the impact of ineffective investigations and how to avoid them
  • Identify steps to conduct a thorough corrective action discussion
Thu, Nov 9

Creating a Professional Development Plan

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Professional development for yourself and your team members starts on the first day of the job. Having a plan in place to guide people toward success is essential for both the individual and the business. A team member and leader partnership are crucial to identify the skills and resources necessary to advance career and company goals. It all starts with evaluating your team.

  • Learn the purpose and value of creating a professional development plan (PDP)
  • Identify the steps needed to create a PDP
  • Analyze where you are now and where you want to be in the future both as an individual and for your team as a whole
  • Develop a plan including timelines to fill the gap (including training, development, and other strategies).
Thu, Nov 16

From Discipline to Termination: When Coaching Isn't Working

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Telling an employee that they are failing on the job is something most leaders dread. Telling them, they’ve lost their job is worse. This session focuses on what happens when improvement doesn’t materialize after coaching. You’ll learn why these conversations are so difficult and how our values and the organization’s culture and discipline policy influence our decision-making. We’ll review conflict and communications basics and provide ground rules for these difficult discussions. You’ll practice in real-world situations to build your skills.

  • Confirm why these discussions are so difficult for both the leader and the employee
  • Discover how our own values intersect with company culture and disciplinary policies to provide a framework for our people’s decisions
  • Review communication and conflict basics to prepare for these difficult discussions
  • Practice having those worst-case-scenario conversations
Thu, Nov 30

The Art of Effective Presentations

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

This session is designed to help anyone develop the skills and confidence you need to deliver engaging and persuasive presentations in the workplace. Whether you’re presenting to a small team or a large audience, part 1 will provide you with the tools you need to succeed. You’ll learn how to plan and structure your presentations, how to use visual aids effectively, and how to handle difficult questions and objections. . By the end of the course, you’ll have the knowledge and skills you need to deliver effective presentations that inspire and motivate your listeners.

  • Discover how to craft your presentation to be engaging, memorable and convey a clear message to your audience
  • Analyze your audience and channel your presentation to maximize their attention, response and engagement
  • Identify how humor, visuals and examples capture your audiences attention
Thu, Dec 7

The Art of Effective Presentations Part 2

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Public presentations frequently make the top ten list of the most feared management duties. With the help of this session, part 2, you can gain confidence by practicing a presentation you’ve prepared. You’ll also have the opportunity to receive feedback from our experienced trainers and your peers to help understand your strengths and find opportunities of growth. In this class you will:

• Develop a presentation utilizing the knowledge obtained in Part 1
• Use skills in Part 1 to deliver the prepared presentation to your fellow participants
• Critique fellow participants by giving feedback on content and delivery

Register for Supervisor Essentials

Ready to boost your leadership skills? Register today to be part of this program, network with your peers, and learn how to power your career.


Supervisor Essentials

AIM Members
Non Members
Price per person
Series Name

Supervisor Essentials – August AM Cohort

Registration is currently open

Sessions Begin

Thursday, Aug 24, 2023

Registration Deadline

Thursday, Aug 24, 2023

If you need help registering or applying for a grant, please contact Kallee McGraw or schedule a call.

Interested in training grant funds to offset the cost?

Learn how you can access this course at no cost through the Massachusetts Workforce Training Fund Program by viewing our Learning & Development Catalog.


Supervisor Essentials

What is the difference between “Training Just for You” and “Training for Your Company”?
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“Training Just for You” is a training program that any individual from any company can sign up to attend. You’ll join a group of peers from other companies for weekly training sessions. AIM HR Solutions holds these sessions virtually; you can view our calendar of upcoming “Training Just for You” events here. “Training for Your Company” means that we will work with you to deliver training to your company, virtually or onsite. Contact Kelly McInnis if you want to learn more about holding training for your company.

Are these courses available in virtual and in-person formats?
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All of our Training Just For You programs are currently virtual only. If you are interested in AIM HR Solutions offering this program virtually or onsite for your company, contact Kelly McInnis.

Is this course eligible for a grant?
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This course is eligible for the Express Program or the General Grant through the Workforce Training Fund Program. To learn more about this grant and how we can help, you can download our Learning & Development Catalog. If you still have more questions, you can contact Kelly McInnis.

Do you offer in-person training outside of Massachusetts?
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All of our “Training Just for You” programs are held virtually and therefore can be attended by individuals anywhere in the world! Training for your company can also be offered in a virtual format to employees located anywhere. We currently do not offer in-person training outside of Massachusetts. To talk about how we may be able to support you, please contact Kelly McInnis.

Not a Member?

We invite you to join 3,400 fellow employers as a member of Associated Industries of Massachusetts. We are building a better state of business.

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