HR Compliance Bootcamp


HR Compliance Bootcamp

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HR Compliance Bootcamp

Are you looking to enhance your knowledge of HR laws and ethics? HR professionals must remain up to date with the latest employment laws and regulations in today’s workplace. Join our HR Compliance Bootcamp!

Experienced instructors will guide you through the intricacies of HR laws and regulations and provide practical tools to navigate these issues in the workplace. You’ll have the opportunity to network with other HR professionals and learn from their experiences. Our sessions are not just about the topics – we design them to be engaging so you can work through real-world scenarios and apply your newfound knowledge to your workplace. Best part? We know you are busy, so we will meet once a month, making it easy to fit this networking and learning time into your schedule.

Who Should Attend?

  • Those in a position that includes human resource responsibilities
  • New HR professionals seeking to broaden their knowledge of HR laws and regulations
  • Business owners who need to stay up-to-date on the latest employment laws in Massachusetts & beyond
  • Seasoned HR professionals who want a refresher
  • Anyone interested in starting a career in HR
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Classes & Dates

HR Compliance Bootcamp

This course is on Thursday afternoons over three months.

Thu, Sep 5

Handling Employee Complaints and Investigations with Ease

2:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Tread carefully yet swiftly and fairly when handling employee complaints

Conducting workplace investigations is one of the biggest challenges HR professionals must face. With shifting workforce demographics and greater awareness of rights, compounded by new laws coming into play, managers unknowingly make mistakes and often lack confidence in accurately managing the process. Often this is due to a lack of adequate training or pressure to resolve complaints quickly. This interactive session will guide you through such topics as what to do and not do with employee complaints and what triggers an investigation. Then, if you determine an investigation is necessary, we offer a proven six-step process, questioning best practices for the complainant and accused, along with ten common investigation mistakes.

By the end of this knowledge-building session, you will

  • Know what to do and not do with employee complaints
  • Understand what triggers an investigation and who to involve
  • Conduct an investigation
  • Analyze findings from an investigation and make a final decision
Thu, Oct 3

Recognizing Risks: Corrective Action, Documentation, & Termination

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Build confidence to handle performance issues and before they get out of hand Documenting employee issues is key to avoiding company risk or liability. Properly documented workplace incidents and investigations will help support a company with consistency, legal complaints, unemployment claims, etc. A primary focus will be to Identify strategies to document performance issues as they occur and to help protect the company from legal risks.

This knowledge-building session you will:

  • Describe issues that may require investigation or corrective action
  • Articulate the skills needed to plan, conduct, and conclude investigations
  • Identify steps to conduct a thorough corrective action discussion
  • Evaluate the impact of ineffective investigations and how to avoid them
Thu, Nov 7

An Introduction to Federal Employment Laws

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

This program is designed to help participants understand how Federal employment laws work in the real world – and how they apply very directly to the day-to-day duties, decisions and interactions of managers and supervisors. Virtually all risk related to employment law violation lies with uneducated or undereducated management. A primary focus is to enlighten participants on how employment laws are inadvertently broken every day – by leaders who think they’re making sound business decisions and who would never intentionally discriminate.

By the end of this knowledge-building session, you will be able to:

  • Identify the basic elements of primary federal employment laws
  • Summarize the impact of federal case law and company practices
  • Recognize situations that pose a legal risk to the organization
  • Articulate how to minimize risk by responding promptly and appropriately to workplace incidents

HR Compliance Bootcamp

Register today to be part of this course, network with your peers, and learn how to power your career.

Register Here

HR Compliance Bootcamp

AIM Members
Non Members
Price per person
Series Name

HR Compliance Bootcamp

Registration is currently open

Sessions Begin

Thursday, Sep 5, 2024

Registration Deadline

Thursday, Sep 5, 2024

If you need help registering or applying for a grant, please contact Kallee McGraw or schedule a call.

Interested in training grant funds to offset the cost?

Learn how you can access this course at no cost through the Massachusetts Workforce Training Fund Program by viewing our Learning & Development Catalog.


HR Compliance Bootcamp

What is the difference between “Training Just for You” and “Training for Your Company”?
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“Training Just for You” is a training program that any individual from any company can sign up to attend. You’ll join a group of peers from other companies for weekly training sessions. AIM HR Solutions holds these sessions virtually; you can view our calendar of upcoming “Training Just for You” events here. “Training for Your Company” means that we will work with you to deliver training to your company, virtually or onsite. Contact Kelly McInnis if you want to learn more about holding training for your company.

Are these courses available in virtual and in-person formats?
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All of our Training Just For You programs are currently virtual only. If you are interested in AIM HR Solutions offering this program virtually or onsite for your company, contact Kelly McInnis.

Is this course eligible for a grant?
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This course is eligible for the Express Program or the General Grant through the Workforce Training Fund Program. To learn more about this grant and how we can help, you can download our Learning & Development Catalog. If you still have more questions, you can contact Kelly McInnis.

Do you offer in-person training outside of Massachusetts?
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All of our “Training Just for You” programs are held virtually and therefore can be attended by individuals anywhere in the world! Training for your company can also be offered in a virtual format to employees located anywhere. We currently do not offer in-person training outside of Massachusetts. To talk about how we may be able to support you, please contact Kelly McInnis.

Can I register for one or two individual sessions?
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Yes you may! In order to register for an individual class, please contact Kallee McGraw at letting her know which session(s) you would like to register for.

Not a Member?

We invite you to join 3,300 fellow employers as a member of Associated Industries of Massachusetts. We are building a better state of business.

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