Employee Engagement

Registration for this course is now closed

Employee Engagement

Employee Engagement

Registration for this course is now closed. Contact Kelly McInnis if you have any questions KMcInnis@AIMHRSolutions.com.
For a schedule of upcoming courses, please visit our Learning & Development Catalog.

Time to move past traditional strategies and embrace employee engagement with our brand-new course, designed exclusively for modern HR professionals like you. Explore uncharted territory with stay interviews, transform daily conversations, and rejuvenate recognition practices to reflect today’s dynamic workplace landscape.

This course isn’t about mere maintenance; it’s about igniting a vibrant and living force where engagement thrives. Join us if you’re an HR Manager, HR Business Partner, or an influencer in People and Culture, seeking to inspire and truly connect. Together, let’s redefine HR, making feedback an ongoing dialogue and culture a pulsating energy in your organization. It’s time for a revolutionary approach to employee engagement!

Who Should Attend?

  • HR Managers & Directors – Responsible for overseeing the HR function, setting strategies, and aligning HR policies with organizational goals.
  • HR Business Partners – Collaborating with business leaders to develop HR solutions that meet business needs, enhancing organizational performance and employee satisfaction.
  • Head of People in Culture – Leading the charge in cultivating a thriving workplace culture, focusing on employee engagement, development, and ensuring alignment with the company’s core values and mission.
Classes & Dates

Employee Engagement

Registration for this course is now closed

This course is on Wednesday mornings over five weeks.

Wed, Nov 6

Creating Psychological Safety

10:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Explore the number one factor of successful people and teams that will set you apart at work

Human beings have core needs of safety and belonging, according to Abraham Maslow. Clearly psychological safety matters, but what is it? And how do we build it at work? The truth is everyone gets to be involved. Everyone contributes. Whether it’s a new employee or someone seasoned, we can all agree the wants and needs in a company’s culture are changing and have been for some time. The days of checking your personal life at the door, power and control leadership styles, and never speaking up is no longer what the workforce wants. Leaning into the trends and desires benefits the company exponentially.

By the end of this knowledge-building session, you’ll be able to:

  • Define Psychological safety and explain its importance in the workplace
  • Identify the factors that contribute to and detract from psychological safety
  • Reflect on your own behavior and how it affects the psychological safety of your team
  • Develop strategies for creating and maintaining a psychologically safe workplace
Wed, Nov 13

Conducting Stay Interviews

10:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Revitalize your workforce by nurturing employee commitment and longevity

This session is designed for HR professionals, managers, and team leaders who want to strengthen their workforce and reduce turnover. Learn the art of conducting stay interviews to engage employees, discover their needs, and align company goals with individual aspirations. By attending, you’ll gain the skills needed to create a thriving workplace, boost productivity, and enhance company culture. Invest in this training to nurture talent, foster lasting relationships with your team, and secure your organization’s long-term success. Join us and transform your approach to employee engagement – it’s a must for those committed to building a loyal, high-performing workforce.

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Recall and articulate the core principles and objectives of stay interviews
  • Explain the significance of effective communication techniques and empathetic listening skills
  • Demonstrate the ability to identify individual employee needs, motivations, and aspirations
  • Evaluate data to develop retention and career growth strategies for employee engagement and commitment
Wed, Nov 20

Employee Engagement Surveys: Gathering and Analyzing Feedback

10:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Learn how to transform feedback into actionable insights for a thriving workplace

This training is designed for HR professionals, managers, and organizational leaders seeking to enhance their workforce’s engagement and productivity. This session equips attendees with the essential skills to effectively administer and interpret engagement surveys. By taking this training, you’ll learn how to harness the invaluable feedback from your employees and translate it into strategic improvements, fostering a happier, more motivated workforce and ultimately driving business success. Elevate your organization’s performance and employee satisfaction by mastering the art of employee engagement surveys.

By the end of this session, you’ll be able to:

  • Define key terms such as “survey”, “validation”, “analysis”, “ranking criteria”, and “qualitative vs quantitative data”
  • Create an engagement survey strategy, considering survey design, data collection methods, and target audience
  • Analyze and interpret the results of a survey, extracting meaningful insights and trends
  • Prepare a leadership-focused report, highlighting areas for improvement and potential action plans
Wed, Dec 4

The Role of Recognition: Appreciation and Rewards in Driving Engagement

10:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Learn powerful strategies to boost employee morale and performance through innovative recognition programs that drive lasting engagement

According to Gallup’s 2022 Employee Engagement Report, only 36% of U.S. workers are engaged in their jobs, highlighting the pressing need for effective engagement strategies. Tailored for HR professionals, this session dives deep into understanding the significance of employee recognition, exploring diverse strategies for effective communication and customization. Discover real-world examples and gain insights into fostering a positive workplace culture. Ideal for HR decisionmakers seeking actionable approaches, this session empowers attendees to design and implement personalized recognition programs that align seamlessly with organizational goals. Join us for an enriching experience to enhance your skills and contribute to a more engaged and motivated workforce. Ignite positive change within your organization and be at the forefront of employee engagement.

By the end of this knowledge-building session, you will:

  • Identify key components of effective recognition programs and their impact on employee morale and performance.
  • Develop a framework for designing and implementing a customized employee recognition program that aligns with organizational goals.
  • Construct measurable metrics to assess the success and impact of recognition initiatives on overall employee engagement.
Wed, Dec 11

Rethinking Professional Development: Up Isn’t The Only Way

10:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Learn the secrets of crafting personalized career journeys by tailoring development for maximum effort

In a 2023 Deloitte study, 94% of executives believe that focusing on employee career development is crucial for future organizational success. Tailored for HR professionals, this session explores the dynamic realm of lateral career development. Learn to navigate insightful conversations within individual professional growth plans, strategize personalized approaches for lateral movement, and contribute to fostering a culture that values diverse career trajectories. Gain actionable insights to enhance employee satisfaction, team dynamics, and overall organizational performance. Join us in reshaping the future of professional development and positioning your organization at the forefront of a progressive workplace culture. Elevate your skills, drive cultural change, and redefine success in the modern workplace.

By the end of this knowledge-building session, you will:

  • Assess the potential impact of lateral career development on employee satisfaction, team dynamics, and overall organizational performance
  • Formulate actionable recommendations for integrating a “Rethinking Professional Development” mindset into the broader Employee Engagement framework
  • Demonstrate the ability to evaluate individual strengths and interests beyond vertical advancement
  • Navigate conversations with individuals on their professional growth plans implementing personalized strategies for lateral movement

Registration for this course is now closed

Register today to be part of this course, network with your peers, and learn how to power your career.


Employee Engagement

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Price for Course
Course Name

Employee Engagement

Registration for this course is now closed

If you need help registering or applying for a grant, please contact Kallee McGraw or schedule a call.

Interested in training grant funds to offset the cost?

Learn how you can access this course at no cost through the Massachusetts Workforce Training Fund Program by viewing our Learning & Development Catalog.


Employee Engagement

What is the difference between “Training Just for You” and “Training for Your Company”?
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“Training Just for You” is a training program that any individual from any company can sign up to attend. You’ll join a group of peers from other companies for weekly training sessions. AIM HR Solutions holds these sessions virtually; you can view our calendar of upcoming “Training Just for You” events here. “Training for Your Company” means that we will work with you to deliver training to your company, virtually or onsite. Contact Kelly McInnis if you want to learn more about holding training for your company.

Are these courses available in virtual and in-person formats?
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All of our Training Just For You programs are currently virtual only. If you are interested in AIM HR Solutions offering this program virtually or onsite for your company, contact Kelly McInnis.

Is this course eligible for a grant?
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This course is eligible for the Express Program or the General Grant through the Workforce Training Fund Program. To learn more about this grant and how we can help, you can download our Learning & Development Catalog. If you still have more questions, you can contact Kelly McInnis.

Do you offer in-person training outside of Massachusetts?
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All of our “Training Just for You” programs are held virtually and therefore can be attended by individuals anywhere in the world! Training for your company can also be offered in a virtual format to employees located anywhere. We currently do not offer in-person training outside of Massachusetts. To talk about how we may be able to support you, please contact Kelly McInnis.

Can I attend just one class?
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Yes you may! In order to register for an individual class, please contact Kallee McGraw at KMcGraw@AIMHRSolutions.com letting her know which session(s) you would like to register for.

Can I register a team of people?
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Yes, and we are here to help! Contact Kallee McGraw at KMcGraw@AIMHRSolutions.com for help registering your team members.

Not a Member?

We invite you to join over 3,300 fellow employers as a member of Associated Industries of Massachusetts. We are building a better state of business.

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