AIM HR Solutions Team

Experienced HR professionals who care about your business

Kallee McGraw

HR Services Coordinator

Kallee is an integral part of our team at AIM HR Solutions, joining us in 2021. With a passion for event planning and a diverse background in marketing, sales, project management, and customer service, she brings a wealth of expertise to her role. In addition to her responsibilities in organizing virtual and onsite training and events, Kallee plays a vital role in our recruiting efforts, leveraging her exceptional talent for finding and attracting top-notch professionals.

Her meticulous attention to detail and organizational skills ensure the success of our events, while her ability to identify and recruit talent strengthens our team. Kallee’s dedication to developing, organizing, and implementing events is evident in the outstanding results she consistently delivers.

If Kallee weren’t working for AIM HR Solutions, she would be traveling and teaching yoga!

Want to hear from Kallee? Check out some of the Human Solutions podcast episodes she has been part of: