Your Personal Handbook Checkup

Ensure Handbook Compliance: Expert Guidance Awaits!

Discover where your handbook stands with our tailored checkup. Whether you’re revisiting your handbook, it’s overdue for an update, or you’re uncertain about its status, we’re here to assist. Answer a few questions, and a team member will connect with you to make recommendations on the status of your handbook and the best handbook solution for you.

Let’s refine your strategy and ensure compliance together!


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Employee Policies and Handbooks

Do you have an employee handbook?
When was the last time your handbook was updated?
Do you have an employee handbook that covers all employees, even employees located in other states?
Do you distribute the company’s sexual harassment policy to all employees every year and require the employee to sign off?
What policies from recent changes in the law in 2023 & 2024 does your handbook include?
How do you ensure that employees acknowledge receipt and understanding of the handbook's content?
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